It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our 2025 bull sale. This year marks 110 years of Baumgartens raising registered Herefords and this is our 22nd annual production sale. Cattle prices continue to be on the rise, which is great to see such a bright future. Now more than ever is the time to invest in high quality cattle and predictable genetics to build back cow herds.
It is exciting to watch our family grow and see changes in 2024. Jake and Savanna welcomed a baby girl, Lainey Rae in August and they moved into their new home. We are a family run operation with income based on farming and ranching. We are truly blessed with Isaiah, Benjamin, Theodore, Colt and Lainey in our lives. They love being involved with the farming and ranching and are learning so much from their experiences.
Structural soundness, performance and balance are our top priorities. We want these bulls to sire vigorous calves at birth and wean big, heavy calves. We want them to leave you with cows that are functional, broody and milky while maintaining correct body condition without being pampered. This year’s offering will be as deep in quality as ever. Bulls were cut due to high birth weights and inadequate performance. We feel every animal in the sale has more than adequate structural soundness. If they’re borderline in this quality they are cut. We are proud and humbled with our genetic improvement.
Thank you for considering our cattle and we invite you to come tour our cow herd and bulls any time of year. Please contact us with any questions. Our main focus is for you to feel comfortable and confident with your purchase. Remember the fastest and cheapest way to add pounds is crossbreeding and the baldy cow is the most profitable cow!
Baumgarten Cattle Co.
Production Sale
Friday, February 7, 2025
at the ranch, Belfield, ND